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Writer's pictureSarah Brooks

Snow Day on the Grand Mesa

The snow is falling, the air is crisp, layer up and head to the Grand Mesa for a morning on the trails snowshoeing or cross-country skiing. There are plenty of trails to choose from, it all depends on whether you want groomed trails or enjoy packing your own trail.

As a dog owner, I plan many of my outdoor adventures around being able to take my dogs along. My favorite Nordic trails are all accessible from the Mesa Lakes Recreation area, located along Highway 65, about 20 miles from the I-70 exit. Trail users can park in the large pull out at Jumbo Lake, which is also equipped with a vault toilet. Trail users can also park up the road a little further at Mesa Lakes Lodge, however you must buy something to use the restroom.

If you want a scenic trek, easy to moderate in ability, I would suggest the Mesa Shoreline Lake trail. When parking at the Jumbo lot, the distance is about 3 miles round trip. Just a little elevation gain leaving the parking lot into the campground and a few more short inclines as you make your way around Shoreline Lake. The views going around the lake are spectacular, especially on a bluebird day, you may even have the pleasure of seeing a bald eagle fly overhead.

Another favorite is the Waterdog Reservoir trail, which is roughly 4.5 miles round trip and is rated moderate, although it does have more elevation gain. Park in the Jumbo lot, the trail access is across the road. The loop leads past Waterdog Reservoir, then it crosses through a huge open meadow which is stunning when the sun is shining, all the snow sparkles like glitter. The second half of the loop stays mostly in the trees, but there are still great photo opportunities. If you seek solitude, this is a great trail for you, it will typically feel very still and quiet.

One of my absolute favorite snowshoe outings is the Sunset Lake trail. This trail can be anywhere from a 2-3 mile loop, depending on which trail sections you include. My typical route for this trail is through Jumbo campground then over to the Sunset Trail intersection. I like to add in a section of the Mesa Creek trail which goes off behind the Forest Service cabin, over a hill, and across a bridge. Following the creek offers plenty of opportunities for scenic photos. Once you make your way past the ranger cabin and drop down over the hill, there is a wood bridge you will cross, which is my favorite part of the whole trail. The bridge sits between two hills; what goes down, must go up. Trekking poles are very helpful when taking the steep hill down to the bridge and for the climb out on the other side. This trail section is not well signed and not always heavily used, on a fresh snow day there is a good chance you will be breaking trail.

If you are in great shape and want a longer trail, West Bench is a full day excursion. This is an iconic trail in the Grand Valley because it leads up to the boundary line of Powderhorn Ski Resort. The trail is an out and back route, taking 7 miles round trip to the first ski lift. In the summer this is also a popular hiking and mountain biking trail.

Trail Route Descriptions

Mesa Shoreline Lake Trail: Start at the Jumbo lot. Take a slight right and head over the bridge then up a short hill into the Jumbo Camp Ground. Take a left and follow the trail to the campground road. Go past the info station and head south, follow the trail around Jumbo Lake towards Mesa Lakes Lodge. When you reach the lodge take a right and follow the trail to the Mesa Lakes trailhead, here you will see signage for Mesa Shoreline Trail. As you near the end of the loop around the lake, the trail will come out on the east side of Mesa Lakes Lodge, as you make your way into the parking lot veer left and retrace your steps from Jumbo Lake back to the parking lot on highway 65.

Waterdog Reservoir: Once you cross the road to the start of the trail walk about a two-tenths of a mile to a brown sign. Take a right at the sign and continue on the trail until you come to a green gate, there is small gap for trails users to continue through. Walk past the lake, into the trees, then there will be a clearing and a big open meadow. Continue past the meadow to another gate, which will create a T with the summer road; take a left to loop back around to the start. This section of the road follows jeep trail and there are multiple hills, nothing too steep; all very gradual but they will definitely get your heart pumping.

Sunset Lake Trail: From Jumbo head over the bridge and up the hill. Take a right at the top of the hill and follow the Jumbo Campground Road around the loop until you come to a sign marked Sunset Lake. Head south for about .2 miles then you will come to a bridge on your left or a road straight ahead. Follow the road, this will take you past Mesa Creek. Continue past the ranger cabin and look for a gap in the trees, from there veer left and look for the creek again, follow the hill down and cross the wood bridge. After crossing the bridge, climb a steep hill and just past the top of the hill you will see a big wood platform with power boxes. Continue south until the next trail intersection and take a left. For a shorter loop, follow the trail past a few cabins until you see the next bridge, take the bridge and head back through the campground. If you want to go longer, continue east past the row of cabins until you come to another road and a stop sign, take a left and you will see the lodge. Take another left and follow the road past Jumbo Lake to the campground and retrace your steps from there to the parking lot.

West Bench Trail: Follow the same directions to get to Sunset Lake. Take the bridge on your left and follow the trail into the trees, heading south. Take a right, and look for the signs directing you to West Bench Trail. If you are not up for 7 miles, this is still a nice trail to take for a short distance until you are ready to turn back.

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